



I am a student studying animation and visual effects at Drexel University. I believe that there are always opportunities to learn, and I take every chance I can to improve upon my talents and learn new ones. I also love to use my creativity to better my work and make it stand out among the crowd.

I am a fast learner and take pride in adapting to challenges. For instance, in high school, when I took my first animation class, I was accidentally placed in a higher-level class even though I had not taken the required prerequisite where you first learn to use the tools/programs needed to succeed. Despite that, I was able to learn the programs on the fly, and I ended up getting an A at the end of that semester. I was also able to learn by doing at Action Tokens where I had to create and rig charters, then transfer, render, and animate in Unreal – none of which I had done before. Within a couple of days of completing these tasks, I had done them so well that the CEO asked me to train others on the skills I had learned.

Working well independently as well as in teams is a strength of mine. I learned a lot about working independently at my position at Action Tokens, a small startup where I primarily worked solo and had to adapt to problems and troubleshoot issues myself. I have also learned a lot about working in a team from working on collaborative projects in my animation classes, my time in Boy Scouts where I achieved the rank of Eagle Scout and was the Senior Patrol Leader of my troop, and my experience participating in sports my whole life and playing varsity football. I know how to ensure that a team is productive and how to utilize everyone’s ideas to create an ideal team environment where our collective creativity can shine through.